Principal message Little Flower School Kaithal 

Indian schools can be said to be among the best showcases for the nation. India has the longest tradition of being world-class in school education. This has paid off today by putting India at the forefront of the post-industrial society – the knowledge society. In this scenario, Little Flower Visitation Convent has long been acknowledged as one of the leading educational luminaries.

Every Principal comes into the job wanting to make a difference – to lead the school and its extended community to a better place, where students learn not only the traditional subjects, but also about themselves, the world and their place in it. But often the Principal faces a world of demands and decisions which can undermine or at least distract from the greater vision of what the school could be. Luckily for me, the Visitation philosophy and tradition of education has been so firmly established that the school, as it were, moves on its own wheels.

This policy has been vindicated in the educational laws that are moving the country by storm – laws which speak of joyful learning, elimination of stress, continuous and comprehensive evaluation, the importance of skills rather than content, lessening the load of examinations and centrality of the text book, and most of all, the return to values related to self growth along with the growth of others in society, which for India would include the care of the deprived child. For us in Little Flower Visitation, quality education, or excellence in education means just this – developing a child to her/his full potential, and enabling her/him to do the same for others. Perhaps this would be the model propelling us into the future.

Sr. Julie Ligory


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